Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday, January 27th, 2008

Well this blog is going to be started out of boredom, and as a way for others to see what I actually go through throughout my days.

Well lets start out w/ one of the worse days of my life...last Friday! It was one of those mornings, were I didn't like what I was wearing so a minute b4 leaving out the door I decided to change my entire outfit. Once I arrived @ work....after dealing with an upper management official being on my ass all of the way to work...I was greeted at my office by a girl that I can't stand to show me her sonogram pictures. I don't care about sonogram pictures as is, let alone when I don't like you, but I put on a happy face and Ohhh'd and Awww'd over the pictures, and quickly pushed her out the door. After about an hour my manager went around passing out our monthly checks...yes I only get paid once a month, and guess what? Yup, he didn't have a check for me. Since I was on disability in December and the beginning of Jan the checks had gotten messed up, and some how mine was omitted from the system....well enough said I won't get paid until Monday! Luckily enough I can wait. That basically was all that happened, but it just made for a bad day that continued all day. After writing about it, it sure doesn't seem that bad, but I just wasn't in my normal happy Friday mood. Other then that Friday went pretty well. I don't think we did anything too exciting that night...I know we are old and boring.

Saturday was a great day mentally, but a bad day for the diet. *For those who don't know I am on a Low Carb diet to try and lose weight. I have been living this way for 4 weeks w/o problem, but yesterday while out shopping I lost it. I didn't really lose it, but I was like "1 meal won't hurt anything" we went for Mexican. I didn't feel bad b/c I understand that I am going to stumble a little, and then I just deal w/ it. Well then last night I had a couple glasses of wine and some Chinese. I was still not upset about my diet, however my body was not ready for those carbs. Even though I took the appropriate amt of insulin I was still up all night (well every 2 hours) to go pee and drink a bottle of water. Even after checking my BS twice and taking more insulin it still didn't go down. Now this morning I feel like crap, and need a nap, but it made me realize that living low carb is for me. While doing low carb and high protein my BS is great! I have had a problems w/ going low, but I have corrected the problem and understand how to stay above it.

Well I have just realized how boring this blog is going to be, but hey it is really just for me to read, and who ever else is reading this can feel free to quit reading at any time, or you can feel free to question me on anything.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, I read it. I'm interested to hear more about your life with lo-carb as a Type 1. I'm trying it now and finding that sometimes I eat no carb at all and I'm at 300 thinking what the heck.. maybe you can write me at jfbrown123 @ gmail . com